MARP Example:  Problem:  DN 2100 appears on two TNs with different HUNT and FDN values.  Where will DN 2100 HUNT and FDN?

TN 3-0-1-0 TN 4-1-2-3
FDN 6000 FDN 1000
HUNT 6000 HUNT 1000
KEY 00 SCR 1000 MARP KEY 00 SCR 3500 MARP
  01 SCR 1001 MARP   01 SCR 3501 MARP
  02 TRN   02 TRN
  03 SCR 2100 MARP   03 SCR 2100
  • Problem:  DN 2100 appears on two TNs with different HUNT and FDN values.  Where will DN 2100 HUNT and FDN?
  • DN 2100 will HUNT and FDN to 6000 because it is MARP'd on TN 3-0-1-0 ~and~ the LHK value is equal to or greater than the KEY number that 2100 is on.
  • When the programmer created these TNs, they responded YES to MARP when adding KEY 03 SCR 2100 on TN 3-0-1-0.  They did not respond the MARP when adding the same key to TN 4-1-2-3.
  • The requirements for this to work:
    • The DN you need to control must appear on a TN with the needed HUNT and FDN values.
    • When entering the DN on the set that has the needed HUNT and FDN, respond YES when prompted for MARP.
    • Set the LHK value to at least the highest KEY number that you need to MARP to the TN.
    • If Neither TN has the HUNT and FDN you need, then create a new "MARP TN" like this:

      Create a MARP TN that requires no phone and will never disable.
      • Pick a Data TN from a digital line card - a TN unit from 16 to 31. You might want to select the corresponding DATA TN from a TN associated with the DN you nee to MARP.
      • Enter appropriate HUNT and FDN values
      • The important CLS entries are FLXA and VCE, however, you will need to select HTA(htd), FNA(fnd) and possibly CPTD.
      • Enter the DN(s) you need to MARP, starting on KEY 0.